This was our first litter! Kyoki was a very good mother! 4 girls (Addie, Arya, Willow, Amira) and 1 boy, born September 2, 2018.
This is Mossimo and Giuseppe. They were the only 2 in Kyoki's 3rd litter, born May 30, 2019. They were adopted into the same home and got to stay together!
Kyoki's 4th litter, born October 27, 2019. She had 2 boys and 1 girl: Link, Miyagi, and King.
Kyoki's 5th litter, born March 31, 2020. She had 2 girls and 1 boy: Lucy, Bella, and Zizu.
Kyoki's 6th litter, born August 6, 2020. This one had 2 girls and 2 boys: Elsa, Cleo, Babar, and Jahzeel.
Kyoki's 7th litter, born January 14, 2021. She had 2 girls and 2 boys: Twyla, Zoe, Sully, and Fruit Snacks.
Kyoki's 8th litter, born May 18, 2021. She had 6 in this litter! 4 girls and 2 boys: Indya, Tano, CoCo, Chani, Thor, and Dado.
Kyoki's 9th litter, born October 13, 2021. She had 3 girls and 2 boys: Toni, Butter, Biscuit, Danish, and George. The girls love to play and the boys love to cuddle!
This is Mulan! She is our special kitten from our second litter. There were muscle problems evident at birth so we kept her to make sure she would be fine later on in life. She does not do heights well, and misjudges jumps a lot... but as you can see, she is an excellent babysitter! She makes sure the kittens learn to play "the proper way" with favorite toys like straws and paper wads.
Where are they now? Here are some of our cats after they went to their new homes! Below is Jahzeel from the 6th litter, and Zoe and Sully from the 7th litter.
(Some others can be found on Instagram, like @luna_chaopark with Luna from the 2nd litter, and @king.thebengal with King from the 4th litter.)
(Some others can be found on Instagram, like @luna_chaopark with Luna from the 2nd litter, and @king.thebengal with King from the 4th litter.)